Registration Form
Most people can safely practise Yoga, regardless of age, ability or disability. ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE
RESPONSIBLE FOR YOURSELF. For your own safety it is important that you use a proper yoga mat when practising yoga and
that you avoid drinking excessive amounts and eating for at least an hour before class. If you have any doubts about
your health or fitness do contact your GP before joining my classes. Should you wish to discuss any health or fitness issues
privately please do not hesitate to contact me and please let me know if your current health status changes.
This information, which will be scanned and held as data and password protected, enables me to fulfil my insurance
requirements as well as more importantly keep you as safe and aware as possible in your yoga practice. If you stop
practicing with me and would like this to be destroyed, then please contact me. Freedom Yoga may e-mail you
occasionally to let you know about term dates, new classes or simply to tell you what a great job you are doing! I promise
I will never pass your e-mail address to any third parties.